How Can WhatsApp Provide Free Phone Call And How They Get Their Money?
Does WhatsApp Call Truly Free!?
Hello, my dear friends, it's a normal question which appears in our minds, there is no doubt that a normal person will think about these, so we thought that let discuss the WhatsApp call.
We know very well that WhatsApp gives us free incoming and outgoing calls, and also they are not showing any ads also, then how they can provide free calls and how they get their profit from it. is this any charity works or anything else, whatever it maybe we just thought of having a session with you to discuss this?
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How Can WhatsApp Provide Free Phone Call?
It's our main discussion on how are getting free WhatsApp calls? if you have a normal thinking capacity just think once that how you can say WhatsApp call truly free when we call via Whatsapp our mobile data will reduce, then how it becomes free we just paid cost as data model rather than money.
How much does a WhatsApp call cost?
During my call testing related to WhatsApp free call, I have consumed around 200Kb 450Kb per minute to make a normal domestic WhatsApp call. and it consumes more data when you call nondomestic calls, which means international WhatsApp calls. And we clear that we are paying internet data as cost in WhatsApp calls as we pay money in normal calls, whatever it may we can't say its completely free.
I would like to say that we cant say WhatsApp calls truly free it may be truly free when we calling using wifi networks and not by mobile data.
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