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How Many Days Are Police tracking for Mobile Theft?

 How Many Days Are Police Tracking for Mobile Theft?

Hello everyone, today we are on an interesting topic, our question is how many days are police tracking for mobile theft? really it's an interesting question, we may be thought about this in some situation, toady our blog is giving solution to your doubts, so we request you to read all article carefully.

And one more thing that doesn't be back to press the share button, the sharing of knowledge is a good deed, so you have been ready to share such interesting with others, let us talk about the topic.

What are the procedures we have to do if mobile is theft?

First of all, we can check the procedures we have to do if our phone is theft, the first thing that we have tried to block the sim card which is on the theft mobile, the second one informs the issue in the nearest police station, and third one try search elsewhere, the fourth one is try log out or change passwords of all accounts which logged in that phones, finally block bank accounts if any mobile banking is activated in that phone, these are the primary thing that we have to if our mobile is stolen.

How Many Days Are Police tracking for Mobile Theft?

But our subject is how many days are police tracking for stolen mobile, we cannnot say an absolute day count for this, they will track with stolen phone based on the point of case , in normal case they do one to two weeks they try to trcak it, after that they will close the case, this is normally happens regarding stolen caeses.

If there is much importance in the stolen phone or if it was an important persons phone they will definitly track it and surly they will find it, so we can understand from these situvatio we cannot say a clear or perfect number of days for their trcaking.

My dear readers We hope that you have much satfisactional answer from our part if you know more than about this you can add it as comment we will publish it, and we request you to to calrify it if there is any mistakes regarding our thoughts, and dont forget to visit aging to get such information at first.

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