Why Alcohol Dangerous To The Health
How Alcohol Becomes Dangerous to Our Health?
Alcohol is one of the highly demanding materials in the world, everywhere we can see alcoholic shops, but everyone says that alcohol is dangerous to health, but really how it becomes effective to our health? someone says that it medicine for some disease especially for forget something in our life, we may observe in some cinemas the love failure movies is always indicating that alcohol is better medicine to forget everything.
But in real life we have learned that alcohol is dangerous, really I believe that it's real dangers to our health and also to our society, how it becomes dangerous to our health? and to society? let discuss the these two matters today, as usual, I request you to share this message with everyone if feel its a better information.
Firstly we can check how it becomes dangerous to our health? there are so many reasons to say alcohol is dangerous, the first thing is that it kills our brain, you can observe an alcoholic person, he is always losing his self-control, which means his brain is not working on this time, then he forgetting himself, forgetting about wife, parents, and society and dealing with rude.
The second thing that it kills our health that means our bones, kidneys, hearts and everything no need to mentions each and everyone, its main reason to say alcohol is dangers, we can see in the newspapers and other social media that lot of people are lost their life because of the alcoholic addiction, so my dear readers its a simple example about its darkness if we talk deeply we can stop it in short, so we would like to conclude it here.
The second thing is its dangers to our society that means our family members and others, the alcoholic person losing his self-control, then he becomes lose of his memory he cants identify whos is mother and wife, meanwhile, he behaving with them in cheep way then the society or family create a gap between them.
And also morally there are so many problems my alcoholic addiction, so we request every alcoholic person to avoid these bad habits to the satisfaction of your family and society, and my dear readers we would not like to prolong our opinion here, we hope that you have much enjoyed of our subject if your answer Yes then don't back to press the share button.
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